食梦貘:王祖蓝真是个适合搞笑的男人啊这里面除了杜汶泽和王祖蓝演技不错以外别人是在是渣渣啊不要笑宫锁迷途就是说你呢女猪脚想象力很丰富嘛天堂和地狱的区别 哈哈
普通河虾:为了从火纹里出来随便点开的剧 还挺好看的怎么回事
Usual琳: that day, I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic; those that are old and familiar; those that bring up lots of questions; those that bring you somewhere unexpected; those that bring you far from where you started; but the most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love that "you" you love, well, that’s fabulous